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Slide that says %22Levy dollars at work: security projects%22
contractors pulling new cables for school security
contractors preparing new cables for school security

Welcome to Frederick Post Learning Center

The Post Falls Developmental Preschool at Frederick Post Learning Center provides early intervention services for children who are between the ages of three and five who have a developmental delay in one or more of the following areas: speech, language, motor development, concepts, behavior, vision or hearing.

Frederick Post Developmental Preschool

Annual Cookies and Cocoa Family Night 2023

Fire truck visits the preschool

News & Events

Check out what is coming up for Frederick Post Learning Center and stay up to date with our events

No School December 22nd - January 7th (Winter Break)

No School January 15th (MLK Day) School in Session Friday January 19th

No School January 25th (Community Screener)

No School February 19th (President's Day) School in Session Friday February 23rd

No School March 14th (Community Screener)

Parent Teacher Conferences March 14th & 15th

No School March 25th-29th (Spring Break)

Cupcakes and Kindergarten Family Event April 25th

No School May 27th (Memorial Day) School in Session Friday May 31st

Last Day of Preschool June 6th


Important Links:

Latest News

School Messenger

The Post Falls School District has joined the School Messenger emergency notification system. The system allows the district to communicate via SMS text messages to parents regarding important matters such as a school lockdown, school closure (weather or otherwise) or other issues that affect their students.

To receive school notifications, you must opt in to School Messenger and your student's school must have your current cell number entered in their system.

Please follow the steps below to opt in:
**Send a text message to 67587 with "Y" or "Yes” in the body of the text.
**You will receive a confirmation text reply that you are registered with School Messenger.

Upcoming Events

First page of the PDF file: PreKScreenerFlyer24-25

PFSD Quick Links

School District Resources

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